Thursday 10 December 2015

Nigella sativa (Black Cumin) Seed acts to alleviate diarrhoeal symptoms

Black cumin has been a part and parcel of Indian cuisine since time immemorial, beholding not only the taste of our delicacies be it daal or curry but also imparting a therapeutic property, making the food a nourishing one.
Researches all over the world have revealed various therapeutic uses of this flora which includes remedies for headaches, diabetes, allergies and many more but looking back down the lane of history if we go some around 5000 years back when medical contemplation was being enriched by luminaries like Charaka , Susruta, Vagbhatta to name a few; then we can find an amazing home remedy to our nagging problem of diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is the condition of having at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day. It often lasts for a few days and can result in dehydration due to fluid loss. Signs of dehydration often begin with loss of the normal stretchiness of the skin and changes in personality. This can progress to decreased urination, loss of skin color, a fast heart rate, and a decrease in responsiveness as it becomes more severe.
People during that early period treated diarrhoea to be a severe disorder but developed out a simple remedy which today has been complexed to the level of using anti biotics.
Black cumin if moderately fried over pan or “Tawa” without oil and then ingested followed by plain water can contribute hugely towards controlling the passage of loose stools during diarrhoea.

Isn’t it amazing?

But still a question persists, as to what is the since behind this magical cure? The answer seems to be very simple.
Heated cumin seeds when reaches the alimentary canal, starts to absorb water, which has actually liquefied the stools. Now repeated intake of these hot cumin seeds can actually absorb up maximum water, which now becomes incapable to loosen the stool.
Also, recent studies have shown its inhibitory effect over various microbes like Staphylococcus aureus, E.Coli and Enterobacter, where its effect was found to be comparative to Ciprofloxacin standard.
Diarrhoea associated with mucus is the prominent target for this treatment but it depends upon the severity of the disorder and the causative organism. Moreover, it can only provide you with a symptomatic relief but it’s good that at least for some time, we can stop lingering upon the prevalent anti-diarrhoeal medicines and anti-biotics.

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