Sunday 20 September 2015

Annatto: A vibrant source of healthy lifestyle.

Recent flamboyant lifestyle has changed the viewpoint of the modern society.  Apart from food, cloth and shelter; humans have started to seek for resources to support their existence. Among these, cosmetics were one of the foremost. Simultaneous to researches in medical development, people have also contemplated in cosmetology to adorn their appearance.
In this endeavour they have relied upon nature, where the widespread flora and fauna have contributed hugely.
Annatto seeds from a plant called Achiote (Bixa orellana) is one of the best sources of natural color, used as lip colourant since thousands of years.
Achiote is a tall shrub to small evergreen tree 6–10 m (20–33 ft) high. It bears clusters of 5 cm (2 in)
bright white to pink flowers, resembling single wild roses, appearing at the tips of the branches. The fruits are in clusters: spiky looking red-brown seed pods covered in soft spines. Each pod contains many seeds covered with a thin waxy blood-red aril. When fully mature, the pod dries, hardens, and splits open, exposing the seeds. The color of the seed coating is due mainly to the carotenoid pigments bixin and norbixin.
Chemistry of Bixin:
The major phytochemical of the plant, is found in the seeds, which is known as Bixin. Annatto seeds contain about 5% pigments, which consist of 70-80% bixin.
Bixin is soluble in fats but insoluble in water. Upon exposure to alkali, the methyl ester is hydrolyzed to produce the dicarboxylic acid-norbixin, a water-soluble derivative.

Benefits of Annatto Seeds:

1. Colouring agent for cosmetics and foods: Bixin, a phytochemical obtained from the Annatto Seeds is a very good source for natural and safe food and cosmetic color.
2. Eye Health: The red color of annatto seeds and the pigment extracted from them is due to the carotenoid content of those seeds. The high carotenoid content will function as antioxidants in your ocular system and prevent the development of cataracts, while also staving off macular degeneration, keeping your vision strong for years.
3. Antioxidant Capacity: The other organic compounds that make up annatto, like tocotrienols, also act as antioxidants in other parts of the body, which is one of the reasons that annatto is so sought after for treatment of the skin. If you’ve been looking for an anti-aging solution for your skin, annatto pastes made from the seeds can be topically applied to reduce the signs of wrinkles, blemishes, and other imperfections, while also tightening up the skin and making it look younger.
4. Strengthen Bones: A significant level of calcium found in annatto makes it important if you want to supplement your bone mineral density and ensure strength and durability as you age. Osteoporosis can affect anyone, so preventing it with essential minerals like calcium is crucial.
5. Promotes wound healing: Annatto seeds can catalyze the healing process of the burns and wounds on your skin. Moreover, it can even alleviate skin irritations and remove skin marks.
6. Possible anti cancer role: A powerful antioxidant, Norbixin found in Annatto Seeds have been found to possess a potent free radical scavenging activity thus blocking the cell oxidation process. So, it can be employed to prevent cancerous cells from spreading.

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