Thursday 27 August 2015

Home remedies to combat side effects of antibiotics on G.I. tract using homemade supplements

Now a day with increased population and pollution, the world is everyday getting a step forward towards a perilous future, where people are getting more tied up towards antibiotic assistance. No matter how small or big the disease might be, prescribers are inclined towards prescribing high dose antibiotics as a sure shot remedy. But is this remedy a true answer towards our problems or is it bringing in newer ailments?---- Is a matter to be seriously given a thought.

·         Vomiting.
·         Severe watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps.
·         Allergic reaction (shortness of breath, hives, swelling of lips, face, or tongue, fainting)
·         Rash.
·         Vaginal itching or discharge.
·         White patches on the tongue a
re some of the serious and commonly faced problems by prolonged usage of antibiotics at a dose of 500mg and above, which is generally prescribed now a days.
Among these, the gastrointestinal tract (mainly the colon) is highly affected because antibiotic molecules, not only eradicates harmful biotic constituents but also devastates our intestinal bacterial flora, that aids in our health system by maintaining several health factors like:
·         Carbohydrate fermentation and absorption
·         Trophic effects

·         Suppression of pathogenic microbial growth

·         Immunity

·         Metabolic function

·         Preventing allergy

·         Preventing inflammatory bowel disease
Thus, destruction of the gut microbiota, can be a threat to our health even after getting rid of our initial problems. Generally, loose stools, flatulence, nausea are the most commonly faced effects, for which Lactobacillus capsules are prescribed by doctors.
Basic composition of all Lactobacillus supplements is Lactic Acid. Though this as a product in any form is generally considered to be safe yet certain side effects like: Erythema, Irritation, Burning, Stinging On Application, etc. have come into observation.
The Mechanism of action of Lactic Acid Bacillus is presumed to be results of improving Gastrointestinal Ecology by replenishing the quantity of desirable obligate microorganisms and antagonizing pathogenic microbes. This produces shift in the environment in the support of complex Gastrointestinal Flora.
These supplements are not only harmful but also expensive. Thus, a search for herbal home remedy  was extremely essential. A thousand year old remedy was found to be an answer to this long term nagging problem.
Common home made YOGURT  if taken after food (atleast 1-2 spoons) during or after antibiotic use (preferably after antibiotic course has been completed) can replenish the gut microbiota, as it provides them with a nutritional media for culture and as it is purely natural so side effects are not a factor to be thought off. Also, the expense of medicine can be cut down to a great extent.
Generally a myth persists that yogurt and curd are same but it is absolutely wrong because Yogurt is a diary product that is created by fermenting milk using bacteria. The bacteria that is used to ferment milk is known as 'yogurt cultures'. Curd is a dairy product obtained by curdling with an edible acidic substance such as lemon juice or vinegar, and then draining off the liquid portion. So, it is to be taken care off that yogurt and not curd is to be used.
Apart from these, yogurt also serves to your weight loss, maintaining normal blood pressure, replenish your vitamin D and calcium levels of body, maintain good protein level in your body and what not!

Thus, instead of spending loads in buying costly medicines, exploring our nature and the kitchen can take us towards a safer solution to our daily life ailments.

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